Sunday, February 9, 2014

T-Mobile Wins Lawsuit Against AT&T's Aio Wireless For Magenta Trademark Infringement


Remember when we reported that T-Mobile was suing AT&T because the marketing for the Aio budget carrier used a shade of purple that was too close to T-Mobile's (literally) trademark magenta? Yes, that is a thing that happened. And apparently at least one Texas judge thought it was a valid complaint, because a federal court has ruled that Aio did, in fact, infringe on T-Mobile's corporate trademark.

aio logos

Here's the PR statement that T-Mobile issued after the ruling:

Federal Court Rules that AT&T was Infringing on T-Mobile's Magenta Trademark Color and Orders an Injunction

A federal court has halted AT&T's transparent effort to infringe on T-Mobile's distinctive magenta trademark. T-Mobile [U.S. Inc.] is very pleased that the federal court in Texas has ordered Aio Wireless, a subsidiary of AT&T, to stop infringing T-Mobile's magenta trademark. The court agreed with us that Aio can't continue infringing T-Mobile's magenta mark by using large blocks of what it has called "plum," and told Aio to stop using magenta or similar colors in all of its marketing and advertising, including stores, web sites and social media.  The Court's ruling, coming after extensive argument and a three-day hearing, validates T-Mobile's position that wireless customers identify T-Mobile with magenta and that T-Mobile's use of magenta is protected by trademark law.

There is no mention of monetary damages or payments, so presumably once AT&T stops promoting Aio with anything that could be called pink or purple, it will be in the clear. Once more, for the record - here are the differences between the hues that Aio was using (left) and T-Mobile's standard magenta (right).

aio2 T-Mo2

Three, two, one aaaaaand queue T-Mobile CEO John Legere's spiteful Twitter response.

Young bullies steal lunch money, old bullies steal brand colors, right #Randall? Too bad we fight for our brand color

— John Legere (@JohnLegere) February 8, 2014

Right, John. You sue an AT&T subsidiary over a vaguely similar color because they're the bullies. Keep working that underdog angle, I suppose.

Source: T-Mobile

Michael Crider
Michael is a native Texan and a former graphic designer. He's been covering technology in general and Android in particular since 2011. His interests include folk music, football, science fiction, and salsa verde, in no particular order.

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