Thursday, February 27, 2014

Nokia VP of Marketing Talks Distribution Plans, Timing, and Goals for the Nokia X Family


The Nokia X is certainly a polarizing device. For ever fan of the device family’s affordable price tag and trademark Nokia build quality, there’s inevitably someone else to blast the company’s entrance into the Android world for not packing a quad-core Snapdragon 801 processor and WUXGA screen. While the Nokia X is probably not the right phone for the majority of smartphone buyers, there are certainly a few things that the Finnish company got right in terms of product design and placement. To talk about these things, Nokia VP of Mobile Phone Marketing Jussi Nevanlinna fielded several user-generated questions ranging from why now is the right time for an Android-based Nokia (emerging markets) to target markets (“pretty much everywhere except North America, Korea and Japan”) to potential self-cannibalism between the X and the Lumia lines. While these answers may not be enough to sway you into purchasing a member of the Nokia X family, it is interesting to learn a bit more about the thought process that went into creating the Nokia X and its sibling devices. Hit up the source link below to read the full interview. [Source: Nokia]

source: xdadevelopers