Sunday, February 9, 2014

Android Community Weekly Wrap-Up for February 8, 2014

Another week has come to a close and once again we have seen an interesting mix of stories. We've been sporting a new look on the site for a little while now, and as was mentioned yesterday afternoon, there are still some additional changes coming. We documented that well enough in the original post, so with that in mind, we should venture off to the world of Android. Mobile World Congress is quickly approaching and that means the rumors have sprung up.

The rumors and leaks have been circling around a few devices. Those include the Galaxy S5, HTC M8 and the Huawei Ascend P7 Sophia. Along with the regular model of the Galaxy S5, there has also been a bit of talk about the Active and Zoom models. The details on those two are still on the light side, however given what we saw with the Galaxy S4, neither would be all that surprising.

We are expecting to see the Ascend P7 Sophia make a debut during MWC, however nothing is official until we hear it direct from Huawei. The HTC M8 shouldn't be all that far out either, but again, nothing is official until we hear something from HTC. Samsung on the other hand, they have already announced the Unpacked 5 event.


This week brought good news for Chromecast fans and users. While the main bit of Chromecast news didn't offer anything directly for the end user, it did give something a bit more important -- hope. Google released the long-awaited SDK, which basically means users should start seeing more app updates that add Chromecast streaming support. So far we have seen updates coming from AllCast and Dayframe.

Google also announced the "Chromebox for Meetings" setup this week. This is essentially a tool to help with virtual conferences, and along with this news from Google, there was also a Chromebox announcement from both ASUS and HP. Neither option is available just yet, however the release shouldn't be all that long of a wait.

Keeping on the topic of Google, and there were a few goodies added to Now this week. Google improved the airport card and we also saw another that made it even quicker and easier to find information about the Olympics.

Shifting away from the news, this week we took a look back at the Pebble, and spent some hands-on time with the red Nexus 5, TYLT Energi+ and Boost MAX.

from Android Community [expanded by]