Thursday, January 30, 2014

Verizon preps New York Subways in time for Super Bowl

Nate Swanner

Just before the Super Bowl, Verizon has increased their service in the greater New York area. More to the point, they are bringing service to 35 subway stations in the city, all on the west side of Manhattan. It’s good for those in town for the Super Bowl, and even better for New Yorkers who will be sticking around after.

According to Transit Wireless, Verizon’s new services will run from 23rd to 96th, covering the west side of Manhattan. This includes Times Square, Lincoln Center, Rockefeller Center, and Columbus Circle. This will allow millions of New Yorkers to keep in touch, and will help a ton for the surge of people in town for the Super Bowl.

Verizon’s aim is to show off their service, all while increasing their footprint in the largest Metropolitan area in the US. The service will also improve safety for both residents and tourists, as the ability to connect — and the E911 service — discourages any kind of wrong. Regional President for Verizon, Patrick Devlin, had the following to add:

At Verizon Wireless, we have a long track record of investing to provide customers the best possible service. Since 2000, we have invested more than $4.5 billion into our wireless network across the New York Metropolitan Region. The addition of Verizon Wireless voice and data services to these New York City subway stations will only further enhance our customers’ mobile experience.

This enhances the goal of bringing wireless service to all of New York’s subway stations, and is a big help from the nation’s largest carrier. For those in town for the Super Bowl, you have Verizon to thank for your coverage. The service is said to encompass 3G, 4G, and LTE.

VIA: Gizmodo

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