Thursday, January 30, 2014

Google develops five games for Google Glass in hopes to encourage developers to make more

Published on Tuesday, 28 January 2014 15:02
Written by AndrewH

While Google still works on getting Google Glass ready for official public consumption, the company has decided to build five games for the wearable technology in the hopes that it will encourage developers to make more games for it. Before now there have been a few games made for Google Glass but that is about it.

These new games are all current available on Glassware to try out for those few people who were approved and managed for fork out $1500 for an early version of Google Glass. If you're looking for some seriously advanced gaming to be found with these five titles, you won't find it. These games are pretty simple but do illustrate different things you can do with Google Glass in conjunction with games.

Interested in seeing what these games are like? Well lucky for you Google has released a short video showing each one which you can watch above. It will be interesting to see if this does spur on some additional developer interest for Google Glass when it comes to games.

Website Referenced: Android and Me

from DroidGamers [expanded by]