Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Evernote syncing gets a four-fold speed boost

Juan Carlos Torres

Any software engineer or system administrator will tell you how syncing data, especially thousands if not millions of them, is a herculean task. Despite that fact, Evernote seems to made miracles happen and has managed to increase synchronization speeds up to four times, an improvement that should not be trickling out to users all over.

Evernote's popularity has exploded over the past years, leading the company to migrate from just a dozen servers to over 700 spread throughout different data centers. While their syncing architecture has, so far, scaled quite well, Evernote expects things to heat up soon and are confident that they could still do better. The results of their tinkering is an impressive four-fold increase in sync speeds.

Evernote has been selectively testing this new syncing architecture but has now flipped the switch to make it available on all servers. If you have hundreds of notes, especially in an Evernote Business setting, you'll experience the significant boost. If not, there are other future benefits that this change will bring. The great news is that you don't even have to lift a finger as the transition is all handled seamlessly on the server side.

The new sync architecture was developed with a few goals in place, including making the service as fast and reliable for future wearable devices, which seem to be slowly catching on. Evernote will also be upgrading their apps to catch up with the new architecture, something all types of users will have to look forward to. And developers also have something in store for them as Evernote will be updating their APIs so that even third-party apps can enjoy the speed improvements as well.

VIA: SlashGear


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