Sunday, May 12, 2013

Fresh Meat: 10 new Android apps worth checking out


New apps need lovin’ too, right? Every day there are thousands of new entries on the Google Play store, but many go unnoticed and never receive the attention they deserve. We have shown in the past that this community can discover great apps and launch them to new heights. So, we’re bringing back our weekly column Fresh Meat that highlights new apps with less than 100k installs. Browse our new Android app picks below and let us know which ones you enjoy.

NQMobile Easy Finder

Pitch: NQEF provides an effective solution to help users find their missing phones and protect their privacy. It can automatically locate & track the phone, photograph the intruder, backup the data and contact, even wipe the data on your phone if an intruder attempts to unlock the phone to retrieve your personal information.


Pitch: Jiffy is a time tracking tool conceived, designed and developed by people who need to track time for people who need to track time. We have designed every element of the application for use by real people who need to keep track of their time. You don’t need an account to use Jiffy so download it now and get a new perspective on time tracking, time management and time recording.

Player FM

Pitch: Bored while commuting? No time to read? Learn something while working out? Player FM helps you discover and play talk shows on hundreds of topics. Offline playback is supported too. Yes, it’s a podcast app, but not the one your grandpa used!


Pitch: This is an unofficial app for MyColorScreen. Search for screens, view screens description, apps used for the screens, comments and view even more screenshots of that screen. View profiles of designers, together with Followers, Followings and Total Screens!


Pitch: Text Hider Plus is a secret vault for SMS texts, calls, photos and more. After downloading, look for “Battery Plus” with a green battery icon in your widgets. This is Hider Plus. Open the Battery Plus icon. A “Battery Information” screen will pop up. Long tap on the battery image. In addition, you can transfer or copy any files in from your gallery into a Hide It file.

Personal Capital

Pitch: Personal Capital is the only money management tool you’ll ever need – and it’s free. The app helps you manage your money by giving you a holistic view of all of your accounts. Track your income, spending, savings and investment performance. Understand your asset allocation and pinpoint potential risks to your investment portfolio.


Pitch: Svpply is a hand-selected collection of the world’s best products from all across the web, with over 5,000 new products brought in every day. Save the products you want and build collections of products you love.


Pitch: Weebly gives everyone a surprisingly easy way to create a high-quality site that they are proud to share. Millions of people have started a site, blog or online store on Weebly and you can too. Weebly sites work brilliantly on computers, phones and tablets. From your Android, Weebly helps you start a new blog or manage your existing Weebly blog or site when on the go.

Earbits Radio

Pitch: Earbits makes it dead simple for artists and music lovers to find each other, and create meaningful connections. Our team of experts brings you the best independent music from around the world, hand-curated and served up hot. But that’s not all. Earbits for Android analyzes the music from your phone and recommends channels you’ll like from over 350 genre-based selections, then we intelligently blend your own music into those channels.

DJ Space

Pitch: Create music with planets? They didn’t think it was possible but now it is with the wonderful Mobile game. DJ space, the virtual mixer on a spacial plane. DJ space is a music creation game for mobile hand held devices. You will have the ability to create different musical compositions by placing planets on an orbit around a star with the eventual outcome of creating a unique piece of music.