Thursday, February 25, 2016

MicFlip reversible micro USB cable review

Micro USB cables are a hassle. While many don’t think much of it, you have to check if you’re inserting the cable the right way every time you plug your phone in. If you’re not looking attentively (and let’s be fair, both sides look almost identical), you’re shoving a round peg into a square hole.

For most of us, that’s not a big deal. But for the everyday person, imagine how many damaged charging ports this results in. There’s a reason Apple went with the Lighting cable for the iPhone; it just works better. But all hope is not lost. While we wait for USB Type C to become standardized (even the newly announced Galaxy S7 features an old micro USB port), the MicFlip can make life a bit easier.


Reversible micro USB end
Aluminum plug housings
3 foot braided cable
Gold coated contacts
Where to buy: Winnergear


The MicFlip is a very simple cable. One end is a regular USB plug, and the other is a reversible micro USB plug. This reversible plug has both the angles on the sides as well as the prongs that keep the plug in your device. Plugging it in either way works the same.


But the cable is also very premium feeling. The contacts are gold plated, the housings for each plug are made of aluminum, and the cable is braided and tangle free. It’s constructed extremely well, and I especially like the aluminum and very slim plugs. It both looks and feels great.


When it comes to plugging it into your device, you don’t have to bother checking which way you hold it. It just plugs right in. The fitment was a little more snug than the average cable at first (though I’ve seen some reglar cables fit much more snugly), over the course of a week it loosened up a bit. Since then, the resistance hasn’t changed, and it’s been a snug and reassuring fit.

Unfortunately, the other end isn’t reversible. This has been done by other companies, so it wasn’t impossible, but that’s likely the end you rarely unplug anyway.

Overall, the cable is expensive but worth it. It really does feel nice not having to care which way you plug your phone in at night, and even better not having to flip it over when you get it wrong. Plus, it’ll last a long time and look great doing the job. I’d say this is a must have, at least until USB Type C becomes common. And that might not be for another year or two.

source: androidandme