Android N will feature a navigation drawer in Settings
Android 6.0 Marshmallow still seems fresh and new, but that doesn’t mean that future versions of Android aren’t in the works. Android Police has done some digging and found a couple of screenshots that show Android N and a change that looks to be on the way.
Within a post on the Android Developer Blog, there are a few screenshots showing the Bluetooth section within Android N. The revealing piece is the inclusion of a hamburger button in the upper left hand corner. This indicates that Android N will add a navigation drawer within the settings. Within different sections, users can simply open the navigation drawer to find a new section, rather than going back to the main Settings screen and scrolling through to find their desired section.
An interesting aspect that’s pointed out is that the navigation drawer could go against Google’s own design guidelines. These state that a drawer must be consistent across all screens, not simply on one screen and not another. If the drawer isn’t available from the mains ettings screen, it breaks the guidelines. It could be possible, however, that Google will ditch the main Settings screen, instead offering only sections.
Additionally, this could simply be a feature that’s in beta testing on Android N. There’s the real possibility that it may not make it to the final version of Android N.
We’ll keep you posted on more rumors and reports regarding Android N.
source: androidandme