5 Apps to Help You Stick to Your New Year’s Resolution
We’ve officially entered the second week of January 2016 which means you have probably started successfully with keeping your New Year’s resolutions. Yes? And what’s on your list right now? Exercise? Healthy diet? Sleep early? Cut time on social media? We’re sure that you promised to keep at least just one because really, it's about time you change for the better.
We’re not pessimists here but you know hard it is to stick to your goals. Making resolutions is so easy. You could spend just maybe a minute or two listing down your promises. That part is easy but actually sticking to them? I don’t know. But good thing that in this day and age, we have tools to help us. Websites and apps are beneficial for someone who’s too busy with his life yet wants to trying has the drive to become a better person.
Not that you can’t do things on your own but admit it or not, you need help. So here are out Top 5 Android apps to help you keep your resolutions this year.Good luck!
Freeletics Bodyweight
MyFitnessPal is a top choice but if you want to try something new then Freeletics - Bodyweight it is. This health and fitness app features efficient workout programs developed and tried and tested by scientists and athletes. This isn’t just for pros as everyone from beginners to advanced athletes can start training using the app. The only requirement? Your bodyweight. No need for special gear or equipment. You can even train anywhere. You can join a community who will help you train, track your performance, and watch your progress in whatever high intensive program you will choose.
Download Freeletics from the Google Play Store. It’s free but training plans and advanced features with a Coach require a minimum of three-month subscription of€34.99.
Quit Smoking: Cessation Nation
This is one helpful app to keep you motivated. That is, if you’ve been wanting to stop the habit. We understand that quitting smoking is a difficult challenge but it can be fun when you’re part of a community composed of like-minded individuals. With this tool, you can see the amount of money you’ve saved, health improvements, days since you stopped, and the total number of cigarettes NOT smoked. Of course, this requires honesty on your part. You’ve got your cravings but this app has been used by a lot of people already who successfully quit smoking. It's not late. Try it.
Download Quit Smoking: Cessation Nation
How many times have you promised you will save more and spend less? Budgeting is one resolution that’s so hard to keep but an efficient took like AndroMoney will help you manage your wealth. App is easy to use, intuitive, and powerful when we’re talking about accounting and handling your money. Feel free to overview your income summary and expenses the past weeks or months. It allows syncing with other devices so you can keep track from anywhere. AndroMoney can provide you simple, detail, or custom plans that can be applied whatever your lifestyle or budget is.
Download AndroMoney (Expense Track)
Task management is what you need to excel at. This tool will take your productivity to the next level as you can organize all your tasks, projects, goals, and habits in just one place. You can access this from any mobile device so you won’t forget what you need to do.
MLO can adapt to your own style and system of management. It will remind you of what you should be focusing on to be the efficient person that you should be. Reaching your objectives is easy because of the hierarchical task list you set, next action, Inbox for rapid task entry, reminders, password protection, project tracking, and various templates for different task management.
Download My Life Organized
Stickk Beta
This free web-based service is aimed to help you “stick” to your goals. You can say it’s the ultimate app to help you accomplish your numerous goals. Create a Commitment Contract and sign it. By setting a deadline, you might be able to focus. If you want, you can even write down incentives you want to give yourself if and when you achieve something. List your Goals, Stakes, Referee, or Support group. This tool will help motivate you because you get to see your progress. You won’t have trouble keeping your commitments because everything is in writing.
Download Stickk