Thursday, July 24, 2014

Google Maps adds Explore feature to help you find new places

Google Maps for Android is adding a new feature to help you venture out more. The new Explore feature is signified by a button that pops up next to the compass button in the bottom right corner of the screen. Tapping on it brings up the Explore menu, a list of new and interesting places to discover around you. The list is intuitive, changing depending on the time of day so that you won’t get suggestions for nightclubs at 9 a.m.

The Explore options also change depending on the weather so that you won’t get told to go on a nature hike during a rainstorm. All in all, the Explore feature adds a nice boost to the rather stark Google Maps experience. Right now, Explore is only available in specific areas, but it will expand as time goes on. The change is also on Google’s end, so you won’t get Explore until Google pushes it to you. If, however, you don’t have Google Maps installed, then simply follow the link below to get it.


source: androidandme