Monday, June 9, 2014

Samsung Galaxy F caught in photo, metal back and tiny bezels in view

Every day we see more and more evidence that the Samsung Galaxy F is a real thing. Said to be a higher-end version of the Galaxy S5 smartphone we have today, the Galaxy F reportedly features a metal back and some upgraded specs that include a QHD display, a Snapdragon 805 processor and a 16-megapixel camera with optical image stabilization. Today, we get to see our first clear photo of the device.

While the front of the Galaxy F looks almost the same as the Galaxy S5, the angle of the light betrays the changes. The bezels are absolutely tiny, like they should have been on the Galaxy S5. It looks like the display size was bumped up to 5.3-inches to get rid of those unsightly bezels. Also, the back looks like brushed aluminum.

After using the Galaxy S5 for a while, I’m actually excited for an improved experience. If the Galaxy F could pull off what the Galaxy S5 failed to, I think smartphone enthusiasts will be pleased. Plus, no one can complain about better specs and build quality. What are your thoughts on this new photo? Leave a comment!

source: androidandme