Monday, June 9, 2014

Receive Email from within Any App with FloatMail


While our Android-powered smartphones are fully capable of executing two complex tasks at the same time, their user interfaces and (relatively) small screens make true multitasking a bit less than idea. Certain OEMs have tried to fill in the gaps to varying degrees of success with features such as Samsung Multi-Window. But despite these additions, not every Android device allows its user to truly multitask out of the box.

Luckily, we have floating applications. Floating apps help bridge the functionality gap between smartphones and other computing devices by allowing us to perform certain tasks while inside of another app, without leaving the other app. In the past, we’ve covered various floating apps ranging from floating dialers to floating music controls and more. Now, we’d like to cover a great new floating email app.

FloatMail by XDA Forum Member glensantacruz does exactly as its name implies and floats your email atop any currently running application. The app works by giving the user a moveable chat heads-like icon that indicates new mail notifications. Clicking this icon shows you the message and allows you to perform various actions such as deleting the message, quick replying from within the floating window, or opening the new message in your full client.

FloatMail works with IMAP, IMAP-IDLE, Pop3, and Exchange Email servers. You can get started by heading over to the application thread.

source: xdadevelopers