Thursday, May 29, 2014

OnePlus auctioning off OnePlus One invites for charity on eBay

The first OnePlus contest to win an invite to buy the OnePlus One for only a dollar is now over. Thankfully, 86 out of 100 winners have chosen to donate their phones to Medic Mobile instead of smash them, which is a huge improvement over the companies initial idea of 100 smashed phones. Now, the next phase of the hype train begins. OnePlus is auctioning off invites to buy the device full price.

It isn’t as bad as it seems. OnePlus will be selling a pack of 15 invites on eBay to the highest bidder, who can use one invite for themselves and give the rest away. These invites will allow a person to purchase the device full price. However, 100% of the profits of this auction will go to a charity of the buyer’s choice, with four charities already suggested by OnePlus.

I have to say, I’m pretty against the notion of buying the right to buy a phone that’s been available to sell for quite some time now. But since it’s going to charity, I can’t complain. However, I’ve personally lost interest in the OnePlus One simply because I can’t buy it yet and won’t be able to for quite a while. Honestly, I don’t much want it anymore. In my opinion, the company has taken hype building too far and is quickly becoming forgettable in the eyes of the public.

I’m sure there will be many people interested in going for this. If anything, it’s a good excuse to be charitable. Plus, people can band together to raise larger sums of money for those invites. But I’d like to know your thoughts on this. Do you think OnePlus marketing is doing well, or has the company gone too far and alienated some of its fanbase? Leave a comment!

source: androidandme