Thursday, May 29, 2014

[New App] iOS Favorite Sunrise Calendar Comes To Android, Complete With Actual Android Features

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When an iOS app comes to Android, all too often it's merely a half-hearted copy, taking no notice of the user interface standards or the expanded capability of the platform. I'm happy to report that this is not the case with Sunrise Calendar, which has managed to gain quite a following across the way for its impressive layout and sunny visual design. It's available now for all Android devices running 4.0 or higher, though there's no tablet interface at the moment.

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Sunrise Calendar supports Google and Apple web calendars natively. The visual design is appealing all around, showing an impressive amount of information in a single screen - check out those weather icons for morning, afternoon, and evening. But the most unique feature is probably the main view, which handily combines a standard calendar view with a scrolling agenda. Individual events are integrated with your contacts, Google Maps, Facebook friends, events and birthdays, and even the dialer app.

What's more impressive to me is that the developers took the time to truly take advantage of Android. At several spots in the in-app UI the card interface is on full display. The app comes with a home screen agenda widget, and you didn't even have to leave a one-star review to get it. Best of all, Sunrise supports Android's expandable notifications, with quick links to maps or email/phone numbers for relevant contacts. Prospective Android developers, take note: this is the right way to port an app.

You should be able to use Google Calendar on the web and Sunrise on your phone with no issues, but there's also a web interface for Sunrise, if it strikes your fancy. Support for Exchange calendars and a tablet-specific interface are coming soon, according to the app description.

Sunrise Calendar

Sunrise Calendar

21 ratings

by Sunrise Atelier, Inc
1,000 - 5,000 downloads

Appears in a list of Apps for everyday usage.

widget by
Michael Crider
Michael is a native Texan and a former graphic designer. He's been covering technology in general and Android in particular since 2011. His interests include folk music, football, science fiction, and salsa verde, in no particular order.

source: androidpolice