Thursday, May 29, 2014

Microsoft’s smartwatch rumored to support Android

As we continue to wait for the release of the Android Wear powered LG G Watch and Motorola Moto 360, rumors surrounding other noteworthy wrist-mounted computers are beginning to ramp up. Today, Forbes is reporting good news for Android users who may be interested in a Microsoft branded smartwatch.

According to Forbes, Microsoft’s upcoming smartwatch is rumored to support not only Windows Phone, but iOS and Android as well. Apparently the device will serve as a heart rate monitor and host a slew of other sensors for tracking and recording all sorts of data. Employees responsible for Kinect are rumored to be a part of the smartwatch — a good sign Microsoft might be releasing something lust worthy hopefully sometime this year.

If all the current rumors surrounding smartwatches pan out, Google, Microsoft and Apple will have entries available in the market before the end of the year. We already know what most of you are going to say, but if all three of the companies listed above were to release smartwatches in 2014, which would you go with?

source: androidandme