Saturday, May 31, 2014

HTC “One Wear” smartwatch coming this fall, report says

Nate Swanner

HTC is releasing a smartwatch, that much we know. Their CEO has committed to it, and they’ve long said wearables are important to their future. A small Taiwanese blog has reportedly had a hands-on with the device, claiming it’s called “One Wear”, and will launch in the busy release timeframe of August-September of this year.

The watch itself is said to be round, much like we find with the Moto 360. The blog also says it will be “available in polycarbonate and metal flavors”, which we hope is a turn-of-phrase. Though tech is delicious, we don’t really want to eat it.

Aside from a name, overall shape, and release timeframe, nothing else was offered up. Is it Android Wear? Bulky? We don’t know the size of the watch face, and there wasn’t even mention of performance. There were no pics offered up, no hands-on video, and really nothing to back their claims up.

We do know HTC is serious about wearables, though — and ‘One Wear’ is a pretty snappy name, if it’s what the device will really be called. The release timeframe fits all previous HTC wearable chatter, too. For now, an interesting tidbit of news, and one to keep in your back pocket. If HTC is coming up with a Moto 360 rival, we’d love to see it.

Source: TK Tech News


source: androidcommunity