Friday, April 11, 2014

Samsung’s poor working conditions called out during Galaxy S5 launch

The launch of the Samsung Galaxy S5 is a joyous occasion for many, just as the release a brand new device should be. Unfortunately, not everyone is happy today. On the day of the Galaxy S5 launch, Businessweek has called out Samsung  for its dangerous working conditions.

This isn’t the first time Samsung and the health issues in its manufacturing plants have been in the spotlight. From explosions to dangerous substances, we’ve heard it all. But the focus of this report is on a few deaths and many cases of leukemia that’ve been caused by the carcinogenic materials used consistently in the plans. More than 56 cases of leukemia and other blood-related cancers have been found in Samsung manufacturing plants as well.

Many of us often like to ignore issues like this and just want the device in hand, but it’s a pretty serious issue. Bringing problems like this to light force Samsung to do something about them or risk serious consumer backlash. Once a large group of people know about these issues, it becomes much easier to punish a company by not purchasing its products.

We’re not telling you to stop buying the Galaxy S5. But keep in mind how your devices are made, whether it’s from Samsung or Apple or any other company. Many of these plants share the same issues, so don’t think this is exclusive to Samsung. Let’s hope things will change soon.

source: androidandme