Monday, March 10, 2014

OnePlus One rumored to have choice of physical or on-screen buttons

From my time interacting with our commenters, I have seen the great divide between those who want capacitive buttons underneath the display of their device and those that love on-screen buttons. I can go for either if done right, but some people are extremely against one or the other. And while we, the opinionated tech geeks, are a minority, it’s hard for a device manufacturer to please us all.

However, it seems that OnePlus is on track to do just that. According to famous leak artist @evleaks, the company will be offering a choice between on-screen or capacitive buttons on the OnePlus One flagship. This will give everyone the phone they really want. Plus with CyanogenMod powering the device, it will be easy to change the software to conform around the on-screen buttons.

If this ends up being legit, it’ll be awesome to see a company offering such options for those who care. Hopefully OnePlus succeeds in its latest ventures, because we could use a good company like that in the tech industry. So tell us, lovely commenters, which option would you choose?

Source: @evleaks, (2)

source: androidandme