Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Add Multiple User Profile Support on Your Phone


Sharing a tablet or phone isn’t anything unusual. Phones very often serve as relaxation tools, or easy-to-use Internet terminals from which you can easily access the web and keep in contact with people you love. At default, phones offer only one user profile, which isn’t ideal if you want to avoid potential changes to your device settings or keep your private data private.

User profiles were added to the OS with Android 4.2, but Google decided to put this feature on tablets only. This left phone users in search of alternative solutions. As you know, Xposed Framework can be used to customize your system and modify things not designed to be modified. XDA Senior Member safet.me ported the multi-user feature to any ROM with Xposed. The module does its job and allows the use of multiple profiles on phones, but two issues are known. The phone app will not work on newly created profiles and module works with AOSP lock screen only.

To test this module in action, go to the original thread. From there, grab the APK, install it, and enable it in Xposed Installer. After a reboot, your phone should support more than one profile.

source: xdadevelopers