Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Here’s What “Real” Android Looks Like on the Nokia X


What? Could that image to your right be real? Is that something that actually resembles Android running on the Android-powered Nokia X? OK, fine—there’s still a layer of Nokia customization thanks to that status bar, but this is what the Nokia X looks like running a much more traditional launcher.

The Nokia X, which was unveiled just two days ago, isn’t quite the triumphant entrance into the Android platform that many of us would have hoped for. Part of this is due to its incredibly low end specifications—but at least this is somewhat forgivable, given the device’s super low price.

What’s a bit harder to stomach is the OS’s extensive customization at Nokia’s hands. But as demonstrated by our friends over at TechReporter in the video below, you can at least make the Nokia X look like a traditional Android device in just a few steps by simply side-loading a launcher via APK.

Unfortunately, this does nothing to bring Google Services and the Play Store over to the Nokia X. However, you can bet that this will all be achieved in due time, thanks to the talented developers who will work on bringing freedom and choice to the device.

Does the prospect of a more Android-looking Nokia X make you a bit more interested in the device, or do the low end specs preclude it from any consideration on your part? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

source: xdadevelopers