Thursday, January 30, 2014

Samsung Life Times life log app appears in leaked screenshots

Samsung is said to be preparing a new app that seems to be riding on a new type of life journal. Known for now as the Samsung Life Times, this app attempts to collect and collate the precious moments of you're life that you've spent using your smartphone.

There seems to be a rising trend of apps and gadgets that try to take out the sometimes tedious task of keeping a personal journal. From the Narrative Clip that takes a photo every 30 seconds to Nokia's new Storyteller app, the digital world is slowly teeming with opportunities to automate such tasks, which might be a good fit for today's short burts of experiences.

Call it laziness or call it convenience, Life Times tries to create a log that narrates what a user has been busy with for the past hours or days. The app collects these bits and pieces of information from apps and events, like social network posts, messages, camera photos, location, and more. Fortunately, those sources are all configurable, so you can filter out things you would prefer to keep private, should there be an option to publish the log online, which is almost always the case.

This pretty much matches with the features found in Samsung's relatively new Story Album, so it is unknown whether it will be a replacement or a version that will only be available to Samsung's newest devices. The leaked screenshots were supposedly taken from a what might possibly be the Galaxy S5, though that bit is unconfirmed. Considering the Korean manufacturer's penchant for introducing fancy new apps for each new high-end smartphone, this could very well end up on the upcoming flagship.

VIA: SamMobile


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