Friday, January 31, 2014

Forum Created for Mobile Web App Development (Cordova, PhoneGap)


Just yesterday, we talked about how Chrome Apps are making their way to Android and iOS in the form of apps that look and feel like native applications, thanks to the Apache Cordova toolchain. But as many were quick to point out in the comments, Cordova isn’t the only game in town when it comes to developing. Rather, existing solutions such as PhoneGap also enable users to create smartphone applications using open web standards such as HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.

In order to better cater to app developers looking to break into smartphone application development by means of open web standards, we’ve created a new forum specifically for all topics relating to smartphone application development using web standards. It is our hope that inside this forum, budding app developers who would otherwise not create smartphone apps will be able to translate their web apps into native-like smartphone applications.

To check out the new forum and start building your apps, head over to the newly created Web App Development forum and get in on the discussion.

from xda-developers