Monday, July 16, 2018

There’s an unofficial fix for the Pixel 2 blurry panorama issue, but it requires root

The Google Pixel 2 faces a strange issue. When you take panoramas, they turn out blurry. This is due to the way the Pixel 2 handles the infinity focus point, which seems to put distant objects out of focus. Despite using the same hardware, the Pixel 2 XL does not face the same issue.

Google has not fixed this bug so far, and it has existed since the device launched. Luckily, we have third party developers to help when the manufacturer isn’t doing its job. There is now a fix for this issue available, though unfortunately it requires root.

If you wish to undertake this task, it’ll require some command line work. Fortunately, someone has made a Magisk module of the fix which is an easier way to fix it. It’s called “Pixel 2 Blurry Panorama Fix” if you want to give it a shot.

Not long after this third party fix was made, Google has responded to the issue.

“We are aware of the issue and expect to release an improvement for panoramas and photo spheres taken on Pixel 2 devices later this year.”

It’s funny how Google didn’t respond to the issue for so long, yet once it’s been fixed, the company finally gets around to putting a statement out. Nonetheless, hopefully we’ll soon see an official fix without having to root.

source: androidandme