Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Samsung Experience 9.0 update brings better-looking emoji

In addition to Android 8.0 Oreo, there’s another reason to be excited about the Samsung Experience 9.0 update that recently started rolling out.

Samsung has improved the emoji selection for its devices with the Samsung Experience 9.0 update. This includes several updated emoji that now look more in line with the same emoji on other platforms. For example, the Rolling Eyes emoji now looks annoyed rather than happy. Samsung has also replaced its gun emoji with a water gun.


There are some new emoji included with the Samsung Experience 9.0 update, too, like the starry-eyed emoji and the face with a monocle.

The Samsung Experience 9.0 update is only rolling out in select countries right now, like Germany.

The inclusion of new and updated emoji in Samsung Experience 9.0 is a welcome sight. Many people use emoji to help communicate and make their conversations more fun, but it can make talking with someone confusing if the same emoji looks different on your phone and your recipient’s phone. These updated and new Samsung emoji can make Galaxy owners’ conversations more fun while also ensuring that the correct emotion is conveyed.

source: androidandme