Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Samsung wants to launch a foldable Galaxy Note phone in 2018

The Galaxy Note lineup has been a successful series for Samsung, even seeing record breaking pre-order numbers for the latest iteration, the Galaxy Note 8. And it looks like Samsung has some bold plans for the family beginning next year.

As reported by The Associated Press, Samsung has confirmed that it’s set its sights on launching a foldable Galaxy Note phone in 2018. Koh Dong-Jin, Samsung Electronics’ President of Mobile Business, said that the company has every intention of launching a phone with a bendable display next year and that it’s working on surmounting some current problems.

Unfortunately, he was not able to elaborate on what type of problems building a phone like that entails or how Samsung plans to overcome them, but it is still exciting to hear that we could see Samsung’s first real, (probably) ready-for-the-public foldable phone as early as next year.

It’s also worth noting that Koh confirmed (again) that Samsung is working on a smart speaker and that it’s working with auto-systems maker Harman to bring the device to market at some point in the future. When that might happen, though, remains a mystery.

Will you be first in line to get a foldable phone when one becomes available?

source: androidandme