Monday, February 29, 2016

Console OS Creator To Take Legal Action Against Site Explaining How to File a Federal Trade Commission complaint

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Mobile Media Venture’s, Inc. has stated on Kickstarter that they are taking legal action against a site detailing the best manner in which to file a complaint about Console OS to the federal trade commission “We are taking legal action against it. We won’t discuss it further”. Since failing to meet promises the company headed by Christopher Price has seen their Kickstarter page flooded with requests for refunds which have so far been met with “We are not refunding people that ask for a refund. We have only refunded around a dozen people who have been an extreme burden on this project, and with our replies, account for half our comment wall… and we did so as a one-time courtesy.” and ” We can subjectively chose to take the best options that we feel are in the interest of all backers. When someone is willing to spend significant portions of their life, demanding hourly replies from us – or posting incorrect information we are compelled to respond to – on our own comment wall, we have to act”.

For those just joining the Console OS fiasco you can read the full story here.

source: xdadevelopers