Tuesday, January 12, 2016

HTC announced a date for pre-order for their VR headset called Vive

Published on Monday, 11 January 2016 14:28

One of the more anticipated Virtual Reality headsets heading our way is the HTC Vive. Following the example that Oculus Rift has done, HTC has announced when pre-orders will be going live, but haven't announced what the price will be for said pre-orders.

For those of you wanting to pick up an HTC Vive headset, you'll be able to put your pre-order in on February 29th, 2016. The date was confirmed in a recent interview with during an interview with HTC's chief executive, Cher Wang. Unfortunately, there was no shipping date announced, only when people will be able to pre-order their own headset.

During CES 2016 last week, HTC announced the Vive Pre which is the second generation development kit for making games and applications for the upcoming consumer edition. Also last week, we got to spend plenty of time with both the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, and we will be posting our thoughts on both this week including which one is better in our opinion. Care to guess?

If previous announcements hold true for the HTC Vive's release date, then we should see headsets shipping out sometime in April 2016. When pricing info arrives, we will post an update.

Website Referenced: Telegraph

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source: droidgamers