Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Coming soon from Clash of Clans developer Supercell is a MOBA style game called Clash Royale

Published on Monday, 04 January 2016 14:22

Released by Super Cell, known for Clash of Clans, is now releasing another game known as Clash Royale. In this new game, players will face off head-to-head and in real-time, to see who can snatch up the most crowns by destroying your opponent's towers with your soldiers, archers, et al.

In addition to these towers, each side also has a king that I'd on the field of play, and destroy a king results in an instant win. Again, this is all done real time, and in a way that has a Tower Defense feel to it since your army of attacking your opponent's towers while your towers are holding off the opposing army from destroying yours. Players will assemble their army by building a deck, comprised of what soldiers you'd like in it, then deploying them as frequently as your supply of elixir allows.

Clash Royale Features:

- Earn chests to unlock rewards, collect powerful new cards and upgrade existing ones
- Destroy opponent's towers and win Crowns to earn epic Crown chests
- Build and upgrade your card collection with the Clash Royale Family along with dozens of your favorite Clash troops, spells and defenses
- Construct your ultimate Battle Deck to defeat your opponents
- Progress through multiple Arenas all the way to the top
- Form a Clan to share cards and build your very own battle community
- Challenge your Clanmates and friends to a private duel
- Learn different battle tactics by watching the best duels on TV Royale

The game is soft launching now beginning on iOS, with the promise a global launch coming soon that will include Android as well. If Clash of Clans is any indicator, it'll be free with optional IAPs included. Check out their site for more information, as well as the game's trailer below and additional screenshots.

Official Website: Clash Royale

Ryan Ballard
Ryan Ballard - Having jumped onto Android from the burning wreckage known as Palm OS in Nov of 2009 with the original Motorola Droid, Ryan has been a fan of gaming on Android. Beyond that, most any other platform will serve (PC, PS3, SNES, tabletop, CCG, etc). Outside of gaming, he appreciates heavy metal, and super-hot Buffalo wings. He's married with two kids.
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source: droidgamers