Tuesday, November 24, 2015

First Official CyanogenMod 13 Nightly Builds Have Been Announced

First CyanogenMod 13 Nightly Builds Have Been Announced

CyanogenMod has announced that official CM13 nightly builds have started and these devices will be in the first wave: OnePlus One (bacon), Nexus 7 (deb & flo), LG G4 (h815), Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4 (mondrianwifi), LG GPad 7.0 (v400 & v410), LG G3 Verizon (vs985) and Moto X 2014 (victara). They tell us that you can dirty flash from 12.1, assuming you update your other add-ons (Xposed, Gapps, etc).

source: xdadevelopers