Friday, October 2, 2015

Try to achieve world peace in Legna Tactica, now on Google Play

Published on Thursday, 01 October 2015 11:26
Written by Ryan Ballard

Released by Kemco, makers of a myriad of JRPGs for Android, has released translated another one of their Japanese games into English. Dubbed Legna Tactica, this game revolves around the idea of ending war altogether. The protagonists are two boys with this ambitious goal, and the question of hope to achieve it will be visited throughout the game.

Would you, as the player pursue total power,to enforce peace? Or use force and conflict to protect the downtrodden? These choices must be grappled with, and will impact whether or not the dream is realized. The gameplay has a heavy focus on tactics, along with the classic isometric point of view.

The game contains 14 playable characters, who can be trained through a skill tree to have specific specialties that can focus powerful on attacks, strong defensive stats, and more. You can also enable a Hard Mode, once the game is completed through, with characters being carried over as well to face the new and greater challenge.

Legna Tactica is available from Google Play for $3.99 as an introductory price, and will jump to $7.99 later, which actually never happens. So the price is actually $3.99. The game also includes optional IAPs as well for extra content but isn't needed to play through the game itself.

SRPG レグナタクティカ - KEMCO

101 ratings

Offers in-app purchases

1,000 - 5,000 downloads

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Ryan Ballard
Ryan Ballard - Having jumped onto Android from the burning wreckage known as Palm OS in Nov of 2009 with the original Motorola Droid, Ryan has been a fan of gaming on Android. Beyond that, most any other platform will serve (PC, PS3, SNES, tabletop, CCG, etc). Outside of gaming, he appreciates heavy metal, and super-hot Buffalo wings. He's married with two kids.
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source: droidgamers