New Puzzle Platformer Looking for Laika launches onto Amazon's Appstore today
- Published on Wednesday, 20 May 2015 09:36
Looking for Laika is a new puzzle platformer that has arrived for Android today, currently available only on Amazon's Appstore. The game itself actually has a rather cool minimalistic look to it visually and the gameplay is that of a side-scrolling platformer but with a more unique method of controlling your character.
Looking for Laika has players taking control of an astronaut who has a best friend, which is a dog named Laika. Unfortunately for your astronaut character, Laika ends up getting abducted by aliens and with that your journey begins as you search for your beloved dog. You will have to search different world, each with their own style of gameplay as well as puzzles to solve. Each world also has their own type of enemies you have to deal with.
Looking for Laika Features:
- Combining a platform game experience with one-tap gameplay
- Follow the cute story of man and puppy
- Both Story and Arcade mode
- Storm the High-score charts
- An action-packed one-tap puzzle platformer
Instead of the usual control set-up found in most side-scrolling platformers, Looking for Laika uses a different type of control scheme that focuses on a one-tap style of gameplay, even though this is a platformer. The developers chose this method in order to eliminate the problem of the button feedback found in a lot of platformers for mobile. At least that is what some people have a problem with anyways.
Looking for Laika is available on Amazon's Appstore for $1.13 right now. No word as to when it will arrive onto Google Play but when it does, we will post an update.
Amazon Marketplace: Looking for Laika
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