Dark arcade-puzzle game Ember's Journey will be finding its way to Android this July
- Published on Wednesday, 20 May 2015 16:21
A rather interesting and dark looking puzzle arcade game will be making its way to Android soon called Ember's Journey. When we say dark looking though, we don't mean creepy or that kind of 'dark'. Instead we literally mean dark and this is because the only light in this game comes from your character.
Players will assume control of Ember, which happens to be a cube with a soft glow to it. This soft glow is the only light that you will have in this game and you'll need to use it to your advantage if you plan to successfully solve all the puzzles and make your way through all 76 levels that come with this game. You will also need to use those memory skills of yours to remind yourself where you see pieces and other potential useful things that you'll need to solve each level with.
There isn't a whole lot of details other than that right now. We do know it is coming this July 2015, although we don't have a specific date for it nor do we know if it will be free or a premium game. We do, however, have a couple of screenshots and a trailer to enjoy until then. You also have a chance to ask the developer any questions since they are on our forums.
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