Monday, March 30, 2015

It’s Lollipop day for LG G2 owners on Verizon

The LG G2 is the latest device to join the Android 5.0 party on Verizon.

The most noticeable piece of the update will be the user interface, which takes on the same look as the LG G3 (on other carriers, that is. Apologies, Verizon G3 owners.) and the overall Lollipop styling, with the caveat that this is still the LG skin and far from stock.

The “recent” button will also now make an appearance on your home touch buttons, right in between the home and menu button by default, but you can move them around as you wish.

A single swipe down will now display both the “Notifications” and “Quick Settings” panels, with a single swipe up leaving you with just your notifications. The notifications will also appear on your lock screen with a number of gestures available to quickly dismiss or act on them.

If you are interested in reading about all the other additions, take a look at Verizon’s full six-page overview via the link below.

Once you get Lollipop running on your G2, we would love to hear how it is going for you. And G3 owners on Verizon, hold out hope that your update will be coming soon; they even accidentally make reference to your device in these update docs.

source: androidandme