Stan Lee's Hero Command is an upcoming brawler with new superheroes created by Stan Lee himself
- Published on Thursday, 26 February 2015 11:24
- Written by AndrewH
Stan Lee is the Marvel god that has created numerous superheroes over the course of his career. He also likes to do cameo appearances in Marvel games and movies. Well Stan Lee's Hero Command is a new game coming from F84 Games Studio and Stan Lee has a lot more to do with this game then just a quick cameo appearance.
Hero Command is an arcade-style brawler with all new superheroes (and villains for that matter) designed by the superhero designing mastermind Stan Lee. In fact Stan Lee is also in the game as himself who happens to also be the leader of a new squad of heroes called Hero Command. He will be dishing out assignments (over 250 of them) and dispatching heroes to take care of those assignments which will inevitably save the day for someone.
Fans of my classic superheroes are going to love the new characters they can play as in Hero Command. Plus, the game has me as a character – what more could you want! - Stan Lee, Chief Creative Officer at POW! Entertainment
As you progress through this game you will be able to interact and meet additional heroes which eventually you will also be able to play. Some of the newly created heroes include Captain Steamhammer, a Russian strongman with a steam-powered suit, Seer, a kid genius and powerful psychic, and many more. Villains include Lord Hibiculus, leader of the Dark Gnome aliens from Gnomulon, and Sand Witch, an ancient mummy awakened by a curse.
Hero Command will be arriving onto Android on March 19th, 2015 and will be free-to-play. In the meantime you can check out the new trailer for Hero Command in the video below.
Official Website: F84 Games
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