Coming up next: We take a look at Android antivirus apps
We're knee deep in Nest this week as we've begun taking more focused looks at specific topics. And we're not slowing down. Coming up next we're going to dive into a subject that, to be perfectly honest, we've tried to avoid over the years.
That would be Android and viruses. Or, rather, Android and antivirus apps. This is a real gray area. Viruses are real on Android. Make no mistake about that. These are full-fledged computers in our pockets and on our wrists. They're powerful, and very much within a user's control to do some hackery, both for good and for evil. And so we've generally taken a "Yes, but ..." approach when it comes to the scary stories of the latest Android malware that's wreaking havoc across a number of devices in a faraway land.
source: androidcentral