Wednesday, December 10, 2014

OnePlus Gets The Christmas Spirit, Sells The One Without An Invite For A Limited Time


A pair of hop-along boots and a pistol that shoots might be good for Barney and Ben, but they're small comfort if you've been trying to get your hands on the OnePlus One for half a year. Well, now's your chance: just like they did for Black Friday, OnePlus is selling an uncertain number of One phones directly today, no invite, pre-order, or inadvisably dangerous or sexist actions necessary. Just go to the website and buy one.


Both the standard white 16GB model and the 64GB black model with its rather nice textured back are available, at $299 and $349, respectively. OnePlus says that orders competed today will be delivered before Christmas, though of course there's always extreme weather or other large-scale delays that can't be planned out ahead of time.

While it's not quite the equal of the latest Android flagship devices, the OnePlus One is still an excellent value at the price, and its Cyanogen-maintained software is certain to be upgraded to Lollipop at the very least. If you're planning on getting one for yourself or a geeky family member (and you've got an unlocked GSM carrier SIM waiting), now would be an excellent time to buy. Don't let it discourage you that any other phone manufacturer (with the possible exception of Google and its Nexus partners) would be happy to sell you a phone every day of the year.

Source: OnePlus

Michael Crider
Michael is a native Texan and a former graphic designer. He's been covering technology in general and Android in particular since 2011. His interests include folk music, football, science fiction, and salsa verde, in no particular order.

source: androidpolice