Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Firefox Stable Hits v34 With Chromecast Mirroring, Updated Theme, And More


Mozilla has rolled a new version of Firefox out to the Android browser's stable channel, bringing with it screen mirroring and a few other goodies. This isn't the first time some of this has popped up in Firefox, but being the stable channel, it all works now.

2014-12-01 23.49.45

Here's the full changelog for Firefox v34.

  • NEW Mirroring support for Chromecast
  • NEW Added support for Prefer:Safe HTTP header
  • NEW Wikipedia search now uses HTTPS for secure searching (en-US only)
  • NEW Public key pinning support enabled
  • NEW Redesigned first run experience
  • NEW Browser theme refresh
  • NEW Implementation of HTTP/2 (draft14) and ALPN
  • CHANGED Disabled SSLv3
  • HTML5 Device Storage API for privileged apps enabled
  • HTML5 ECMAScript 6 WeakSet Implemented
  • HTML5 JavaScript Template Strings Implemented
  • HTML5 CSS3 Font variants and features control (e.g. kerning) implemented
  • HTML5 WebCrypto: RSA-OAEP, PBKDF2 and AES-KW support
  • HTML5 WebCrypto: wrapKey and unwrapKey implemented
  • HTML5 WebCrypto: Import/export of JWK-formatted keys
  • HTML5 matches() DOM API implemented (formerlymozMatchesSelector())
  • HTML5 Performance.now() for workers implemented
  • HTML5 WebCrypto: ECDH support
  • FIXED MP4 videos will not play on Android L
  • FIXED CSS transitions start correctly when started at the same time as changes to display, position, overflow, and similar properties
  • FIXED Various security fixes

The last beta release with screen mirroring was still really buggy for me, but it works just fine now. You can find it in the tools menu down at the bottom. The v34 beta also had Yahoo as the default search engine as an experiment, but that hasn't made it to the final version—it's still Google. The new theme isn't radically different, but it has fewer bevels and shadows. The colors have been tweaked as well.

Firefox has come a long way since the early days when it was barely able to load a page. It's a downright nice browser now.


source: androidpolice