Enhance Screenshots Functionality by Adding a Delete Button
Screenshots are the best choice for users wishing to show off their current home screens or provide extra detailed bug reports for certain issues to app developers. Android has a built-in screenshot system that allows you to take a shot with a simple key combination. However, the built-in functionality could easily be improved by adding a delete button, because right now you need to open the gallery manually to delete unneeded images. Taking screenshots on Android would be much easier with a delete button available right after taking a shot.
XDA Senior Member sportik555 wrote a guide explaining how to add such button on Sony Xperia devices. The described method shows how to decompile the SystemUI of your current ROM, make changes, re-compile the file, and send it back to the device. Everything can be done within less than 10 minutes because sportik555 provides the files used in the process.
To make the delete button available on your ROM, you need to ensure that your system is deodexed. Apktool is pretty much useless if your system uses .odex files. You can find numerous guides showing how to deodex easily deodex your ROM. When your re-compiled System UI is ready, all you need to do is restart your device. The delete button should appear every time you take a screenshot.
This method can be used on quite a few Xperia ROMs, so don’t hesitate to learn more if you have an Xperia phone in your collection. You can find all the details in the Add the “Delete” button on the screenshot preview tutorial thread.
The post Enhance Screenshots Functionality by Adding a Delete Button appeared first on xda-developers.
source: xdadevelopers