Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Weekly Photo Contest: Wheel

Wheels, they keep us moving. Whether you're headed on a long road trip in a car, getting around town on a bike or maybe having a nice day at an amusement park in a Ferris wheel, there are more than a few wheels that we see on a daily basis. This week's photo contest is focused on the prompt "wheel," and we're wanting to see the best pictures you can take to illustrate that.

We're again picking two winners to take home prizes this week for their entries, with each winner receiving a $50 ShopAndroid gift card!

Entering is easy. Just drop your entry in a forums post at the link below. Tell us what Android you used to get the picture, and any back story you want to add to it. We'll pick a winner Tuesday (October 7) night at 11:59 PM ET, and announce them on the blog with next Wednesday's contest.

Enter this week's photo contest

source: androidcentral