Monday, September 15, 2014

Rumor: HTC smartphone-connected Tricorder medical gadgets in the works

HTC has always been a smartphone manufacturer. That’s all. The company helped Google bring Android to the masses and experienced unprecedented growth until Samsung came along and pushed HTC to the side. We all know that HTC has been struggling to keep its head above water over the past few years, so it isn’t that surprising to learn that HTC may try its hand at competing with GoPro by making a cylindrical action camera. However, things took a dramatic turn this weekend when images of smartphone-connected personal medical devices were posted by @upleaks and connected back to HTC. The suite of personal medical devices include  a Tricorder blood system, Tricorder urine system, Tricorder scope system and the Tricorder breath system. 

Two of the images show the Tricorder scope system and the Tricorder breath system in action. Users are able to operate the devices on their own (who needs a doctor these days?) and view the results on an HTC smartphone. Similar smartphone-connected medical gadgets have been around for a few years, but none of the major players in mobile have stepped into the space since they have established businesses which supply highly-profitable medical equipment to the medical industry. We have no clue how much a Tricorder blood system or a Tricorder urine system should cost, but the Tricorder scope system and Tricorder breath system could easily fall into the $300-$400 price range based on similar devices on the market. 


We’re not sure if the images are simply a proof of concept, but HTC does need to find a way to diversity its business if the company wants to stick around. Do you think HTC has what it takes to become a diversified technology company and compete on a larger scale?

source: androidandme