From the Editor's Desk: Zen and the art of the staggered release
Nobody like a trollout. Perhaps the worst words you can see in an announcement about a new release or update to anything is "will start rolling out to users over the next few weeks," or something to that effect. It's called a staggered release. We call it a trollout. It plays with our emotions and, more accurately, our patience.
And it's probably one of the smarter things that happens, at least when it comes to Google releasing things.
That's not to say I have to like it. Chances are I'm just like you. I want the shiny new thing right the eff now. I'm OK with beta testing and I have an unhealthy need to update all the things. It's natural for nerds like us. I sideload core updates more than I care to admit (yes, even while cautioning against it), and I can't remember the last time I actually got an over-the-air update on a Nexus device, instead choosing to load things manually. I probably should go to meetings or something.
source: androidcentral