Rir Yourself Charging Annoyances with No Wake on Charge Xposed Module
Almost every OEM has skinned and otherwise modified Android to suit its particular needs. Companies like HTC and Sony have changed the default Android UI, added sounds, and modified substantial amounts of built in functionality to suit their own philosophies and commercial agreements. Some of added features are extremely annoying, and are equally difficult to disable. But what can’t be done with regular settings menus can generally always be done using Xposed Framework.
One of these small annoyances is Android wake on charge. When you connect your device to your charger, the screen wakes up for no particularly good reason. What’s worse, some OEMs even add a particular sound when this happens. Unforutnately, there’s no easy way to disable this behavior on certain firmwares. To combat this, XDA Senior Member moneytoo created an Xposed module that gets rid all of these small annoyances. The module disables waking on charging and unplugging the charger, and it also disables the charging sound.
The module was originally made to work with Samsung Galaxy S5, but it works on several devices. Personally, I tested it on a Nexus 4, and it worked like a charm. Probably the best way to determine whether it works or not would be installing it on your device and seeing for yourself. Before using this module, make sure you have Xposed Framework installed and running.
You can rid yourself these small charging annoyances by visiting the No Wake On Charge thread.
The post Rir Yourself Charging Annoyances with No Wake on Charge Xposed Module appeared first on xda-developers.
source: xdadevelopers