Wednesday, June 4, 2014

[Oh My God Becky] The Moto 360 Looks Enormous In This 'Android Wear Design Story' Post You Might Want To Read Maybe


So, Google posted this 'An Android Wear Design Story' thing that's probably moderately interesting if you want some insight into app development on Android Wear and the process of designing an experience appropriate for a smartwatch, but the only thing I came out of that post not being able to forget was this. Freaking. Photo.


My reaction is best summarized by the timecoded YouTube clip below.

The Moto 360 is huge. Like, Tag Heuer's Jumbo Jerk Chronometer Collection huge. No wonder they're promising always-on battery life, because it's the size of a Sizzler side-salad plate.

Anyway, the post in question talks about the development of a concept app for walking tours on Android Wear, and if you're interested in what the developers behind it crafted and the experience they had creating said app, it's a good, solid read. Check it out at the link below.

Android Developers Blog

source: androidpolice