Bring Back the AOSP Browser on KitKat
Chrome Browser has seen quite a few major advancements in its time since it replaced the old (and I do mean “old”) default Android browser. It offers a feature set that essentially rivals its desktop counterpart, and has been given great new functionality such as the ability to undo closed tabs, and much more.
Despite Chrome for Android’s ever-growing feature set, not everyone is a huge fan. For starters, it doesn’t support the wonderful Pie Controls, which were initially seen in the AOSP browser. Furthermore, it’s a bit more resource intensive so those on slower devices may find it a bit choppy with scrolling, panning, and zooming when compared to the AOSP Browser. But unfortunately, it’s hard to use the old AOSP browser since it isn’t included anymore on most devices. Luckily, the CM team was able to update the browser to work on KitKat and XDA Senior Member LitoNi shared it for all to use.
Installing this browser is a bit convoluted, but it isn’t too difficult. Rather than simply installing the APK, you must navigate to your /system/apps/ folder and “install” BrowserProviderProxy.apk. This installation will fail, but that is normal. After a reboot, you must then install the browser provided by the thread OP.
Unfortunately, no version of Flash player is known to work with this browser on KitKat, and it’s unlikely that untested versions will work. But for those who simply want the AOSP browser experience and streamlined speed, this is great news. Head over to the application thread to begin.
source: xdadevelopers