XDA:DevCon ’14 Coming to the United Kingdom
2013 was an exciting year for XDA. Not only did last year see our tenth anniversary, but we also held our first developer conference, xda:devcon. A greater time could not have been had by everyone who attended, and the resounding response from everyone was anticipation for the next year’s event. Our top-notch speakers and sponsors gave their all, and without the support of the XDA community, and a willingness to take a risk and show up to a new conference, it would have never been a success.
Well, that time is upon us again. It is with this post, if you haven’t already guessed from the title, that we announce xda:devcon ’14 in Manchester, UK the weekend of September 26-28! We already have top sponsors (Sony, Oppo, Ubuntu, and OnePlus) lined up to support us (with more on the way,) and we’d love to have you there. We’re offering a few different packages this year, one of which rolls the entire conference (hotel stay included) into one easy fee. And like last year, XDA will be covering your meals at the event. How awesome is that?
Here is a breakdown of the ticket offerings:
- ALL INCLUSIVE Conference Admission - £225.00 (before 1 July) / £250.00 (after 1 July)
- Friday and Saturday night stay at the Radisson Park Hotel (conference venue)
- 20% Overall Discount
- Evening Reception – Friday
- Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner – Saturday
- Breakfast & Lunch – Sunday
- Full Conference and Exhibit Hall access
- Subject to availability
- Full Conference Admission - £75.00 (before 1 July) / £100.00 (after 1 July)
- Evening Reception – Friday
- Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner – Saturday
- Breakfast & Lunch – Sunday
- Full Conference and Exhibit Hall access
- Single Day Pass
- Single Day Admission (Saturday or Sunday)
- Lunch covered
- Exhibit Hall Access
We have some great speakers lined up, along with some more sponsors, so make sure to get your ticket now and plan to participate. You can visit our website for more information and to sign up for the event.
source: xdadevelopers