Saturday, May 10, 2014

Apps of the Week: Shadow Fight 2, Pebble Locker, Fing and more!

Another weekend worthy of showing off the apps we're using this week

Weekends are great for many things, but for us here at Android Central it's a great time to show off our Apps of the Week column. Every Saturday afternoon we use this post to show off an app pick from each of the writers at the site, and give a quick explanation as to why we're using it on our phone or tablet. It could be a tool, service, game or random app we found and like — all that matters is we're using it.

This week we have a full list of great apps, including a couple of games that will be worth your time, a few utilities and a way to keep up on sports scores. Read along and see what this week's list has to offer.

source: androidcentral