This week's sidebar poll: What version of Android are you using?
It's that time again. Right around the beginning of this year I decided we were going to start a little bit of quarterly fun and poll you, the readers of Android Central, about what version of Android you were using. It's by no means scientific, and there's not much we can't find out other ways — like checking the website stats — but it is a great way to get a discussion going. And that's what we do, or try to, is start discussion.
I'm a huge data nerd, even when the data is gathered in less-than-optimal ways. I got a lot out of our last look at who is using what version, and I like to think plenty of you all did as well. It's fun to compare a cross section of the tech-savvy against general numbers gathered from the big G each month. I'll stop yapping, see the poll below.
What version of Android are you using? (April 2014)
source: androidcentral