Monday, April 21, 2014

Sony Xperia Z2 and Z2 tablet owners can avail of free movies and games

Juan Carlos Torres

Sony has done it before and there is no reason it won't be doing it again. As with its previous top of the line devices, Sony is giving the proud new owners of its Xperia Z2 flagship and Xperia Z2 tablet a few freebies, this time in the form of six films and eight games.

Sony has been offering this kind of content deals since 2011, though in varying combinations and with limited availability. Though some, like Samsung, prefer to give out apps or time-limited subscriptions, Sony instead lets users get a taste of some of its other products, proving it has chops not just in mobile but also in the entertainment industry.

In this round, Sony is giving away some movie and game titles, though the selection of films differ from region to region. Common standouts include Elysium, Captain Philips and Michael Jackson's That's It. The list of available games, which include Cardboard Castle, Tiki Rush, and Rymdkapsel, might be a bit disappointing, but it's hard to argue with the advantages of free. This offer is also available not just to new Xperia Z2 and Z2 tablet owners but even for those who just acquired an Xperia Z1s.

Users planning on claiming these free content should note that they need two apps to be installed, both of which can be downloaded below. The first is the Xperia LOUNGE app, which covers a broad range of content, while the second is Pass, which required to get the movies, isn't a standalone app but is a separate app download. The film selection is available to owners in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, UK, US (for those owning the Xperia Z1s,) while the games are being offered to those in Australia, Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, UK, US.(again for Xperia Z1s owners).

Download: Xperia LOUNGE, Pass
VIA: Xperia Blog

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source: androidcommunity