Monday, April 7, 2014

OnePlus teases us with One “unboxing” featuring Steve Kondik

Don’t get excited, this isn’t actually our first peek at the OnePlus One smartphone. The trolls at OnePlus have lied to us. This may technically be an unboxing, but the actual device is never shown. The video is still entertaining, though, showing Steve Kondik (better known as Cyanogen) unboxing the device. The clip stops just as the device would be shown.

This is a another simple teaser for the OnePlus One, which will officially debut on April 23. That date is very close, so we’ll should start to see more of this device very soon. I’m glad we haven’t seen any leaks of the OnePlus One because it adds some mystery to the upcoming unveiling. It’s that bit of magic and anticipation that many high-profile smartphone launches have been missing lately.

It’s a fun and short video and I recommend giving it a watch. Just don’t be fooled, because I warned ya!

source: androidandme